Maximilien FOURT
Maximilien FOURT is a criminal lawyer registered with the Paris Bar. He works in criminal matters.
He frequently assists people of foreign nationality (England, Holland, Colombia, etc.) before criminal courts.
Foreign persons may also be affected by arrest warrants, or European arrest warrants, which implies the intervention of a french criminal lawyer.
Maximilien FOURT is gratuated from two Master 2 at the Universities La Sorbonne and Panthéon-Assas. He quickly developed an appetite for criminal matters. He dedicated his dissertation to the money laundering offence.
Trained in business criminal law at FIDAL, then in common criminal law and criminal procedure with leading Parisian criminal lawyers, he decided in 2020 to create his own structure.
Maximilien FOURT has developed particular know-how in the management of emergency criminal law files but also in complex organized crime files (drug trafficking, association of criminals, etc...) or criminal business law (fraud, corruption, etc.).
His firm also intervenes at the sentence adjustment stage by ensuring that the rights of prisoners are respected.
The firm assists you before all the criminal courts of French territory (metropolitan and DOM TOM) at all stages of the procedure.
Maximilien FOURT will receive you at his office in order to provide appropriate, strategic and effective criminal assistance.
He speaks fluent english and spanish.
Areas of expertise

Police custody (garde à vue)
A criminal lawyer has the right to assist his client before the police officer during the audition.

Hearing before the Tribunal or the Court (Audience pénale)

Investigations and pre-trial detention (information judiciaire et détention provisoire)

Immediate appearance (comparution immédiate)
It intervenes in the continuity of a police custody measure. The defendant is thus transported directly from his place of police custody to the Criminal Court in order to be judged there.

Guilty plea procedure (CRPC)
This type of procedure requires the assistance of a lawyer.

Sentence adjustment (Aménagement de peine)
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Contact us
Address: 43, rue Condorcet - PARIS 75009
Phone: (+33) or WhatsApp
E-mail : maximilien@fourt-avocat.com
Urgency: 24h/24 7j/7